hear of

Alice was rather doubtful whether she ought not to lie down on her face like the three gardeners, but she could not remember ever having heard of such a rule at processions; 🔊

Alice was rather doubtful whether she ought not to lie down on her face like the three gardeners, but she could not remember ever having heard of such a rule at processions; 🔊

I never heard ofUglification,”’ Alice ventured to say. ‘What is it?’ 🔊

I never heard ofUglification,”’ Alice ventured to say. ‘What is it?’ 🔊

What! Never heard of uglifying!’ it exclaimed. ‘You know what to beautify is, I suppose?’ 🔊

What! Never heard of uglifying!’ it exclaimed. ‘You know what to beautify is, I suppose?’ 🔊

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